Little House on the Prairie: The Musical – Redlands

Lifehouse Theater 1135 Church Street, Redlands, CA, United States

This heartwarming musical follows the Ingalls’ journey westward and their struggles with the hardships of winter blizzards and prairie fires and rejoicing in the settlement of land and town. Throughout it all we witness Laura as she grows from a wild child who loves to run free into a woman...

Little House on the Prairie: The Musical – Redlands

Lifehouse Theater 1135 Church Street, Redlands, CA, United States

This heartwarming musical follows the Ingalls’ journey westward and their struggles with the hardships of winter blizzards and prairie fires and rejoicing in the settlement of land and town. Throughout it all we witness Laura as she grows from a wild child who loves to run free into a woman...

Little House on the Prairie: The Musical – Redlands

Lifehouse Theater 1135 Church Street, Redlands, CA, United States

This heartwarming musical follows the Ingalls’ journey westward and their struggles with the hardships of winter blizzards and prairie fires and rejoicing in the settlement of land and town. Throughout it all we witness Laura as she grows from a wild child who loves to run free into a woman...

Little House on the Prairie: The Musical – Redlands

Lifehouse Theater 1135 Church Street, Redlands, CA, United States

This heartwarming musical follows the Ingalls’ journey westward and their struggles with the hardships of winter blizzards and prairie fires and rejoicing in the settlement of land and town. Throughout it all we witness Laura as she grows from a wild child who loves to run free into a woman...

Little House on the Prairie: The Musical – Redlands

Lifehouse Theater 1135 Church Street, Redlands, CA, United States

This heartwarming musical follows the Ingalls’ journey westward and their struggles with the hardships of winter blizzards and prairie fires and rejoicing in the settlement of land and town. Throughout it all we witness Laura as she grows from a wild child who loves to run free into a woman...

Little House on the Prairie: The Musical – Redlands

Lifehouse Theater 1135 Church Street, Redlands, CA, United States

This heartwarming musical follows the Ingalls’ journey westward and their struggles with the hardships of winter blizzards and prairie fires and rejoicing in the settlement of land and town. Throughout it all we witness Laura as she grows from a wild child who loves to run free into a woman...

Little House on the Prairie: The Musical – Redlands

Lifehouse Theater 1135 Church Street, Redlands, CA, United States

This heartwarming musical follows the Ingalls’ journey westward and their struggles with the hardships of winter blizzards and prairie fires and rejoicing in the settlement of land and town. Throughout it all we witness Laura as she grows from a wild child who loves to run free into a woman...

Little House on the Prairie: The Musical – Redlands

Lifehouse Theater 1135 Church Street, Redlands, CA, United States

This heartwarming musical follows the Ingalls’ journey westward and their struggles with the hardships of winter blizzards and prairie fires and rejoicing in the settlement of land and town. Throughout it all we witness Laura as she grows from a wild child who loves to run free into a woman...

Little House on the Prairie: The Musical – Redlands

Lifehouse Theater 1135 Church Street, Redlands, CA, United States

This heartwarming musical follows the Ingalls’ journey westward and their struggles with the hardships of winter blizzards and prairie fires and rejoicing in the settlement of land and town. Throughout it all we witness Laura as she grows from a wild child who loves to run free into a woman...

Little House on the Prairie: The Musical – Redlands

Lifehouse Theater 1135 Church Street, Redlands, CA, United States

This heartwarming musical follows the Ingalls’ journey westward and their struggles with the hardships of winter blizzards and prairie fires and rejoicing in the settlement of land and town. Throughout it all we witness Laura as she grows from a wild child who loves to run free into a woman...

Event Series Phantom of the Opera – Redlands

Phantom of the Opera – Redlands

Lifehouse Theater 1135 Church Street, Redlands, CA, United States

The tumultuous tale of the mysterious Phantom comes to LifeHouse Theater in this smash hit original musical.  Witness young Christine’s rise to fame in the opera world, thanks to the schemes of the ominous Phantom.  But will his efforts win her heart?  Sinister plots abound amidst comedic moments and heartbreaking mystery.

Event Series Phantom of the Opera – Redlands

Phantom of the Opera – Redlands

Lifehouse Theater 1135 Church Street, Redlands, CA, United States

The tumultuous tale of the mysterious Phantom comes to LifeHouse Theater in this smash hit original musical.  Witness young Christine’s rise to fame in the opera world, thanks to the schemes of the ominous Phantom.  But will his efforts win her heart?  Sinister plots abound amidst comedic moments and heartbreaking mystery.