On June 25, the San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved Supervisor Rowe’s resolution, calling on the Insurance Commissioner, Governor, and Legislature to take urgent action to strengthen and stabilize California’s property insurance marketplace. 

Within days of the resolution’s approval, California Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara contacted Supervisor Rowe to talk about some of the concerns raised by the resolution. Commissioner Lara then offered to join Supervisor Rowe to discuss the issues with county residents during a live, online meeting. San Bernardino County Fire Chief Dan Munsey and United Policyholders Executive Director Amy Bach will also join the discussion.

That conversation will take place during an upcoming virtual insurance town hall on Wednesday, September 4, from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. The meeting will be available exclusively on the Zoom video conferencing platform. Please register in advance to join the meeting by clicking here. Questions can be emailed in advance here.  

Supervisor Rowe also appeared on Fox Business News to discuss the resolution and the insurance challenges facing homeowners and businesses in California. The interview can seen at https://bosd3.sbcounty.gov/videos.