Spring break (March–mid-April) is one of the busiest times at Joshua Tree National Park. With mild temperatures, stunning desert landscapes, and world-class hiking, the park attracts thousands of visitors daily. However, heavy traffic, packed parking lots, and limited campsites can impact your trip if you don’t plan.

To avoid the biggest crowds, arrive early (before 8:00 a.m.), visit midweek (Monday–Thursday), and use the North Entrance in Twentynine Palms or the South Entrance off I-10 instead of the busier West Entrance. Plan hikes and sightseeing outside the busiest hours, which are 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Buying a digital park pass in advance at Recreation.gov can also save time when entering the park.

For those hoping to camp, 85% of campsites require reservations and fill up months in advance. First-come, first-served sites are extremely limited and often booked by early morning. Parking at popular spots like Hidden Valley, Barker Dam, and Keys View may also be full, so have backup destinations in mind. Finally, come prepared because the park does not have food, water, or gas stations. Visitors should download the National Park Service (NPS) app for offline maps and park updates, stick to designated trails, and respect the fragile desert ecosystem. The NPS website offers even more tips on visiting the park during the busy season.